
Facts from being anorexic --Part Two--

Malnutrition is one result from being anorexic.

What is Malnutrition??
According to "dictionary.com", Malnutrition means....

"lack of proper nutrition; inadequate or unbalanced nutrition".

When people do not eat enough, the body loses vitamins and minerals.

Then the body becomes weak, resulting in an unhealthy slim body.

However, anorexic people do not care even if they do not have enough
vitamins or minerals
in their body. They will do anything to become slim even though they do not
have to lose anymore.
As a result, they starve themselbes without thinking and
may end up in a hospital for special treatment.
The special treatment is done many times until te body becomes healthy again.
This treatment can be endless, from counseling to healthy eating programs
which can lose a lot of people's free time.

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