The most main kinds of eating disorder is anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
For anorexia, it is extremely dangerous.
It also cause death, when people strongly consider to be "thin".
The disorder involves extreme weight loss, at least 15 percent below the individual's ideal weight and they feel fat, even though they become extremely emaciated.
For bulimia, it is almost opposite to anorexia.
People who have bulimia routinely binge, consuming large amounts of food in a very short period of time, and immediately purge by self-inducing vomiting, taking enemas, or abusing laxatives or other medications.
This also becomes a life threatening problem, such as depression, anxiety disorders, heart damage, kidney damage, injury to all parts of digestive system, and severe dental damage.
Most of girls wish to be thin. From this result, many of girls can be anorexia soon. I also wish to be thin, but I am not anorexia. Recently, it is found that the anorexia is cause of their brain.
People who have 'Teiketuryu' is related to this illness, and there are many cases that bulimia happens after anorexia. I am surely against these people. I do not understand them, even though they want to be thin. But this is illness, so they also can not control themselves. It is said that the medicine will be made in 10 years, so I hope many of people will be helped by this.
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