There was a NGO, which name is EDEN (Eating Difficulties Education Network). This is non-profit, community-based organization, and administered by a collective of women.
EDEN's purpose is to promote body trust, and satisfaction, size acceptance and diversity on an individual and societal level.
They provide information support and referral for people with eat on issues their friends and families.
EDEN has financial support by JR McKenzie Trust Board Inc, Auckland City Community Organization Grants Scheme, The Lion Foundation, Uniter Way New Zealand, Auckland City Council, Unilever, The ASB Charitable Trust and the New Zealand Lottery Grants Board.
I have good impression to this organization. I searched the NGO, but there only few organization which is related to eating disorder, and those were not so good. Since this organization is consisted by women, they can also cure patients' mental.
Facts from being anorexic --Part Three--
Anorexia can cause a great rebound if not being treated well.
This rebound will turn people into bulimics.
The body suffers for calories and end up
"consuming exceptionally large quantities of food. Calorie counts range into the tousands for a single episode of binge eating (Signs and Symptoms of Bulimia, Psychiatric Disorders, 2006)."
The pattern of losing and gaining weight is very hard on the body especially the LIVER.
The body sometimes cannot handle all the stress and eating habits that change time by time.
Facts from being anorexic --Part Two--

What is Malnutrition??
According to "", Malnutrition means....
"lack of proper nutrition; inadequate or unbalanced nutrition".
When people do not eat enough, the body loses vitamins and minerals.
Then the body becomes weak, resulting in an unhealthy slim body.
However, anorexic people do not care even if they do not have enough
vitamins or minerals
in their body. They will do anything to become slim even though they do not
have to lose anymore.
As a result, they starve themselbes without thinking and
may end up in a hospital for special treatment.
The special treatment is done many times until te body becomes healthy again.
This treatment can be endless, from counseling to healthy eating programs
which can lose a lot of people's free time.
Facts from being anorexic -- Part One--

If the person is anorexic for aq long peroud of time, it can cause osteoporosis in the future.
What is osteoporosis???
According to "", Osteoporosis means....
"a disorder in which the bones become increasingly porous, brittle, and subject to fracture,
owing to loss of calcium and other mineral components, sometimes resulting in pain, decreased
height, and skeletal deformities".
In my words, this bone disease is very dangerous because the bone becomes fragile and they
can break anytime, very easily.
"Osteoporosis and low bone mass are currently estimated to be a major public health threat for
almost 44 million US women and men aged 50 and older (News Press Room, NOF, 2006)."
Bones have to be healthy at all times!!!
anorexia and bulimia
The most main kinds of eating disorder is anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
For anorexia, it is extremely dangerous.
It also cause death, when people strongly consider to be "thin".
The disorder involves extreme weight loss, at least 15 percent below the individual's ideal weight and they feel fat, even though they become extremely emaciated.
For bulimia, it is almost opposite to anorexia.
People who have bulimia routinely binge, consuming large amounts of food in a very short period of time, and immediately purge by self-inducing vomiting, taking enemas, or abusing laxatives or other medications.
This also becomes a life threatening problem, such as depression, anxiety disorders, heart damage, kidney damage, injury to all parts of digestive system, and severe dental damage.
Most of girls wish to be thin. From this result, many of girls can be anorexia soon. I also wish to be thin, but I am not anorexia. Recently, it is found that the anorexia is cause of their brain.
People who have 'Teiketuryu' is related to this illness, and there are many cases that bulimia happens after anorexia. I am surely against these people. I do not understand them, even though they want to be thin. But this is illness, so they also can not control themselves. It is said that the medicine will be made in 10 years, so I hope many of people will be helped by this.
For anorexia, it is extremely dangerous.
It also cause death, when people strongly consider to be "thin".
The disorder involves extreme weight loss, at least 15 percent below the individual's ideal weight and they feel fat, even though they become extremely emaciated.
For bulimia, it is almost opposite to anorexia.
People who have bulimia routinely binge, consuming large amounts of food in a very short period of time, and immediately purge by self-inducing vomiting, taking enemas, or abusing laxatives or other medications.
This also becomes a life threatening problem, such as depression, anxiety disorders, heart damage, kidney damage, injury to all parts of digestive system, and severe dental damage.
Most of girls wish to be thin. From this result, many of girls can be anorexia soon. I also wish to be thin, but I am not anorexia. Recently, it is found that the anorexia is cause of their brain.
People who have 'Teiketuryu' is related to this illness, and there are many cases that bulimia happens after anorexia. I am surely against these people. I do not understand them, even though they want to be thin. But this is illness, so they also can not control themselves. It is said that the medicine will be made in 10 years, so I hope many of people will be helped by this.
--Reasons-- and the simlarities and differences--

The reason why I wanted to search about this topic was because I was actually anorexic for a short period of time during my early teens.
I knew basically nothing about anorexia and caused great damage to my body. And now I wish people would have a healthy diet as much as possible not going the wrong way like I did.
The main two eating disorders are ...
ANOREXIA (anorexia nervosa) and BULIMIA (bulimia nervosa).
==So at first, what are the similarities of these two illnesses??==
According to "",
The similarities are the following:
-Having a distorted image of his/her body.
-Obsessed with what he/she eats.
-Low self-esteem
-Tend to affect girls more than guys
(10% of the people with this illness are guys)
The two disorders are difficult to distinguish from each other since they have similar characteristics.
==So next, what are the differences of these two illnesses?? ==
People with anorexia have a great fear of being fat
so they tend to stop eating and exercise crazy.
Anorexic people will try to weigh food
or count the calories of every food they consume.
On the other hand, people who have bulimia do not avoid eating.
Instead they eat a large amount of food and gets rid of it by vomiting the food.
I knew basically nothing about anorexia and caused great damage to my body. And now I wish people would have a healthy diet as much as possible not going the wrong way like I did.
The main two eating disorders are ...
ANOREXIA (anorexia nervosa) and BULIMIA (bulimia nervosa).
==So at first, what are the similarities of these two illnesses??==
According to "",
The similarities are the following:
-Having a distorted image of his/her body.
-Obsessed with what he/she eats.
-Low self-esteem
-Tend to affect girls more than guys
(10% of the people with this illness are guys)
The two disorders are difficult to distinguish from each other since they have similar characteristics.
==So next, what are the differences of these two illnesses?? ==
People with anorexia have a great fear of being fat
so they tend to stop eating and exercise crazy.
Anorexic people will try to weigh food
or count the calories of every food they consume.
On the other hand, people who have bulimia do not avoid eating.
Instead they eat a large amount of food and gets rid of it by vomiting the food.
The reason why I chose this topic
Eating disorder is the problem which is hard to dissolve completely.
All of girls want to be slim, and that cause anorexia. Also, there are many girls who can not overcome those appetite. It is very difficult to keep in good shape. Since there are girls who want to be slim, I think this problem, especially anorexia will not disappear. I am also a girl who want to be slim. When I really want to be slim, what if I was an anorxia. The reason why I can think like this easily is because I still don't understand the fear of eating disorder. This also cause people to be eating disorder.
I chose this topic because I have thought many times that if I were anorxia, I am slim. But I did not think the fear of it. Many of girls have complex to their figure. To be thinner, I am now controlling meals. I know this is a not good way to be thin. Since I am in like this current stand, I want to know more about eating disorder.
All of girls want to be slim, and that cause anorexia. Also, there are many girls who can not overcome those appetite. It is very difficult to keep in good shape. Since there are girls who want to be slim, I think this problem, especially anorexia will not disappear. I am also a girl who want to be slim. When I really want to be slim, what if I was an anorxia. The reason why I can think like this easily is because I still don't understand the fear of eating disorder. This also cause people to be eating disorder.
I chose this topic because I have thought many times that if I were anorxia, I am slim. But I did not think the fear of it. Many of girls have complex to their figure. To be thinner, I am now controlling meals. I know this is a not good way to be thin. Since I am in like this current stand, I want to know more about eating disorder.
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