Even "Stars" that seem perfect in every way have problems with Eating Disorder....
It is not ONLY you.
Many people face thousands of obstacles in their daily lives. These obstacles can be anything, small to big, common to non-common. An eating disorder is one of them. The two main eating disorders - anorexia and bulimia are a common illness in the world. An eating disorder is not a diet. It can lead us to death.
2 件のコメント:
I was shocked to see this You Tube. I didn’t know Mary Kate Olesen was anorexia nervosa. She is rich and famous teen actresses in all over the world. I like Mary Kate and Ashley Olesen but I still don’t know which is Mary Kate or Ashley. If you know how to tell the twins apart, please tell me.
When I was high school student, a twin was in my class. Her younger sister and one in my class (my friend) looked alike because they were identical twins. At first, it was hard to tell the difference between them. But weeks later I realized that they are completely different. Their face, personality, appearance, voice, hobby, etc were not same. I thought person’s personality appears in their face. Generally speaking if you’re quite and gentle person, your face is not bold feature as active characteristic. This is just generally speaking.
Mary Kate is actually the perfect person to fall victim to this eating disorder. Eating disorders tend to run in families, with female relatives most often affected. A girl has a 10 to 20 times higher risk of developing anorexia nervosa. Behavior and environment may also play a role. Stressful events are likely to increase the risk of eating disorders as well. I think she likes her jobs of actress, fashion producer, and fashion model but she might had lots of pressure because we expect a lot from her. I hope she could recover from anorexia.
Yeah, celebrities are too cautious about their weight nowadays.
Mary Kate is a perfect example. I can't believe she went as far as getting rehab. I heard that it is pretty hard to recover if you go too far... And its always the skinny people who are cautious about their weight & dont even listen to what other people think about their weight. I think its pretty silly to lose weight when you are in a perfect shape already.
What do they actually do in rehabs?? Do they make you eat food? Isn't it hard for the patient to eat food when they barely ate like the day before??